Friday, February 14, 2014

Uploading vs. Embedding

There are two different ways to upload photos, embedding and uploading.  Embedding requires the uploader to copy and paste the html code to the blog server.  Uploading an image is simply posting the image directly to the blog.  Uploading and embedding both have their own advantages and disadvantages.  If content is uploaded through a third party service it then can be viewed on the sharing site itself and also the blog or anywhere else you might post it. On the other hand if an image is directly posted to blog without using a third party sharing service it is very simple and does not require many additional steps.  If an image is embedded then it gives the viewer access to the sharing site and may allow them to see all of your uploaded photos.  This can be nice for sharing a variety of albums.  There are some disadvantages to this.  If the Flickr account is ever deleted then the images will be deleted wherever they have been posted.  Also the user may not want to give all viewers to have access to their photos.  I believe embedding gives the viewer multiple ways to view the image while uploading directly to the blog is simple and gives the uploader a better sense of privacy.

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